Rechtsfolge 6 Gesundheitsdaten im Recht


Wie viel Demokratie steckt im Umgang mit Gesundheitsdaten? Mit dem Aufkommen der Digitalisierung wurden auch Gesundheitsdaten, nebst anderen Daten, zu einer der wichtigsten Währungen überhaupt. Unterschiedliche Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Forschung haben ein Interesse an einer möglichst breiten Nutzung von Gesundheitsdaten. Wie kann und soll das Recht mit Gesundheitsdaten umgehen? Welche Anforderungen müssen bestehen, damit Gesundheitsdaten vor allem für Patient:innen möglichst sinnvoll genutzt werden können? Über diese und weitere Fragen - vom elektronischen Patientendossier bis zur Schaffung eines Gesundheitsdatenraums Schweiz - haben wir mit Prof. Dr. iur. Franziska Sprecher diskutiert.

Prof. Dr. iur. Franziska Sprecher ist assoziierte Professorin für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gesundheitsrechts am Institut für öffentliches Recht der Universität Bern. Sie leitet als Direktorin zudem das universitätseigene Zentrum für Gesundheitsrecht und Management im Gesundheitswesen. Prof. Dr. iur. Franziska Sprecher ist zudem Mitglied im Leitungsausschuss von TA-SWISS, in der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Fragen zu Sucht und Prävention nichtübertragbarer Krankheiten (EKSN), im Fachbeirat des Vereins Kind + Spital sowie Präsidentin des Stiftungsrats der Stiftung für Menschen mit seltenen Krankheiten.

Kapitelmarken: Einleitung 00:03:16: Interdisziplinäres Arbeiten im Gesundheitsbereich 00:08:34: Begriff Gesundheitsdaten 00:20:04: Gesundheitsdatenräume im Allgemeinen 00:25:59: Gesundheitsdatenraum EU 00:36:45: Gesundheitsdatenraum Schweiz 00:46:04: Data literacy

Die Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bern:




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00:00:00: Music.

00:00:08: I have come that digitally see you since gesundheitsdaten 1992 an atavistic syndrome keyboard,

00:00:16: I want to see dr. areas politic VH of the industry unfortunately happen interaction and the Marquis Brighton on the physician notes on interrogation dead star.

00:00:26: Fishbach metanoia can't listen and a Darden besieged Gesundheit for sorghum make qualitative and individual initiative respective personality at the Bahamas.

00:00:36: Glad I started with fork lesson and put sent in enshrined in the solidarity and manipulation Guevara.

00:00:44: Vedant SmartWatches Langston students laugh track Anansi restricted sellin and Unser and pulse for Mason St politic here to London or 09 agreement gesundheitsdatenräume to gain is.

00:00:56: Well since Gesundheit starting either helped send Wellness apps at War lady cliche in lifestyle feature.

00:01:03: I can see two lighter and to a clone on to this meditation for kids by order and halten Sie sind Sie player shoots and 30.9 sooner.

00:01:12: Proud to sign a brighter note song and gesundheitsdaten on pursuing a token of therapy into a collision,

00:01:19: and when your countertop and shoots down not give are listed threatened we feel demokratische decked I can click in Hong Kong made Gesundheit start inaudible a gold eyeliner their mark.

00:01:30: These are on down the river rock and roll me a hard time a professor in Francisco's Prejudice Guardian Francisco's pressure is also theater Professor or infusion Watsonville two three,

00:01:41: bazan the Republic assistance gesundheitsrecht Institute for Africa history still universität band.

00:01:47: Said enfants 1616 Beauty does universität I can get sent home for gesundheitsrecht and management in gesundheitsdaten allosteric toy,

00:01:56: Professor going to break his to the rechtswissenschaftliche movie theater on the University had some Colin and along to this involves examining Zurich.

00:02:05: I'll sleep in the art industry wide solution not seen all four was himegami your dissertation cost wissenschaften genome Institute for deutsche's over pages on the internet signal is meditation right.

00:02:16: Gesundheitsrecht and boa teak the cmdb,

00:02:20: universität in Heidelberg Mannheim so we are Max Planck Institute for Iceland dishes perfectly his restaurant for correct in Heidelberg.

00:02:28: Francisco it's all about you probably got the on to regularly run fungus on Head Start and for fast on them for gone and hips the S the burner life scientists are going to decent a marker light.

00:02:40: Nippon an arithmetic a tin lead and Fortune is Francisco's pressure all certain meet Cletus lighting sources t a Swiss that I can decision commission fulfill our consumers and prevent co- trackpad Cronkite,

00:02:54: on the president into Steve thinks rots the stiff don't feel mention Middleton and Crown chitin feeling dr. see how to balance introspection.

00:03:03: My mom is selling hook on this later decent podcast to summon meet dr. Charlotte Blattner orbit assistant in I'm Institute for Africa his rage tear on the university to burn.

00:03:14: Flush pressure see how the need a dissertation Tama meditation for showing that kind Anand you conclusion Nashville session token rotation on the international break fast we sensitivity isn't a market long.

00:03:27: Stay Mike Michaud was given each one and only son Colin assistant in by Professor Ian Schweitzer are is only fresh start over,

00:03:35: stocking will be out in taming the genetic information Dimension owned directly from Kindle have Mission Bantam Studio project 20 combination this gesundheitsrecht is a woman for some midst and Middleton Place for my team.

00:03:51: Gesundheitsrecht shined and Pregnant begriff to sign on igneous rocks a lipstick learned.

00:03:58: Allgemein single Bond a fetal from race Kappa didn't even mention person died in 2013 and he's forcing select linked account logon definitely concerned headshots epidemic in wreck

00:04:10: classes are strict conditions and high limit elect or dark transplantations Ford plant songs on human for some sorry.

00:04:19: You name it does gesundheitsrecht is designed dunamis assumption LA because rest kebede Monty here ugly child support,

00:04:27: in order us wissenschaftliche in and infancy have this is dunamis your escapades to specialization impotent,

00:04:36: assistant correspondent as even as Easter dunamis and we could teach English feel each finding volume enthusiasm for the Skippy.

00:04:44: It's had me Dimension 22.

00:04:47: Statement two point lead scientist a mensch Gesundheit between 1500 fundamental and client ID card has an expanded the combination with technology.

00:04:56: Doesn't figure to him a writer and does to speaking meeting ground long distressed does finding hidden Target may be responding.

00:05:04: We dive in the spirits advances in if needed to take those profits soaring even out on Base building for Mercy Master studium tactic in the University are invited building,

00:05:14: in diverse and retina and organization

00:05:16: to be condemned all has president in the shifting slots left unfilled mention made certain and Cronkite and on sent out MIT cleat in for pirate is fine skin tone should be tall.

00:05:27: The 11 seed is to Salman's fields we should invest in shaft on the proxies and we can invest in Shafter here at knesset he'll fry in going into proxies fintan as you're listening gesundheitsrecht been shot in my friend incapacitated,

00:05:40: he's helped to to name it sighs ads in and out certain about MIT Fortune than encounter she taking a beating from the inhibition Persia and China are no,

00:05:49: machine from the capital I know bitin on Tuesdays at a discount which direction and Blake is with me

00:05:56: type of carbonated carotid somebody spilling their tears Vista technology for corruption these are contacted meeting Lloyd now stand under embarrassed for me and they gone for our sets on the meat dish of good about his cousin that's why he's my uncle,

00:06:11: speeding Converse does house we act wound out to a farm bullying - problem won't harm your resting on your wrist.

00:06:20: This is done via click interesante Punk'd while the interdisciplinary discussion defendant not to like - massage not women Citizen Cope ousting Dam to he has forged a lenders up and down here she really cared more common cover there,

00:06:35: guess the funding via in the insert on an article whoa often an epidemiological sock todavía and Physicians obligatory I'm hoping hoping this adult and you can reach out to allgemein hi.

00:06:48: We've had not going to have the inhalation data is this house so I could see her coming over so,

00:06:53: I'm from she files via fancy syllabus this interdisciplinary conversations your own indecent expert and Crimean War the algorithm honking within studio London.

00:07:05: Vas me and my Not educated in the house vital building good evening didn't expect and Caribbean in without fail this TV static indecent assault had perished is interdisciplinary communication is still have all the under our spell doing,

00:07:19: entrepreneur founder under a builder.

00:07:23: Owned in this ingredients dosage in the regular mention decent see a village ten and 12 2013 10 she really gotta start with him disability Stars.

00:07:34: Woman on underfoot by rated on didn't finish do a full tile notification for Stallone are blind,

00:07:41: but then we owns make his own Head Start and then give her auntie dad and was coming to meet Martin,

00:07:49: definition crested finished and doesn't count on to City Builder and motioned us to a cannon on the salon to name in Eastern Kentucky.

00:08:00: Saudi Federal gate inside to go sensibility do you behave.

00:08:05: I feel like the mountain clots emotion wounded and shoots Workaholics and legal system by should be loaded okay now understand shoot 7th know what it was it was for hindered

00:08:14: some time to start and shoots Our advice and connectors positive sign can and have our state American design can just plug management see a film you

00:08:22: estaba and mystical Thailand gardening season database and also feel a profession and a fan and attraction at the second leg in this movie about taglish damn it.

00:08:32: Admission because only had started this entire Glee in all the moon day.

00:08:37: My sister it was a long Corridor and very light the turbulent and will only make a democratic fashion coupons information vacant Cronkite on the trophy.

00:08:48: How does it was middle term Laban steel to tune with the owns an errand of your alcohol consumed me and Vivian Speedwagon on since the cycle he always pray for the information on order huh,

00:08:59: we'll just solve the heat the oven decayed anguish to grief derive happen he even with the red Crescent Heights organization has house took.

00:09:07: Different I'll get obviously focus on the Head Start and all my open delicious cool toned.

00:09:12: We didn't hire you to have decent writer from to spray in common of a before we just stood most magnificent Weston want to thank his own Head Start never have to fish day in this.

00:09:22: Was it dummy could keep in mind to keep you start to anguish in moderate analytical definition as keep their legal definition it since my element,

00:09:32: final sights muhsin to stop and signed your fine a team to present a petition as a person and R&D and then connects Hub motor happened Conan to another symptom of depression band puzzle does this design element.

00:09:44: We'll just fight element it is a given that b 2,

00:09:46: don't assume that spits oh look there is white too fast in a little scared invite you perfe birkhoff andand wrong building a house B-17 and a given height and width are gone,

00:09:58: Mobility Aid stop French often Wolfram language man aphelion is kind of signed Volvo Nation based on some artificial blast does is in English

00:10:09: but I did today in Gesundheit auction a line editor had a seizure to an official team Gesundheit Lester exclusive to,

00:10:18: so I decide to put it on a hook on the sides Gesundheit to be talk Gesundheit head is obviously a part of us.

00:10:24: Interest on Tuesday after sunken It Funky spunk monk isn't it starting their Gesundheit to stand built it on HD Cronkite also here.

00:10:32: These disadvantaged concrete suggestion and keep the sign and enter 'sheet session gesundheitsdaten and kinetic inductance of epo Metrocenter.

00:10:42: Tsuya counts to begin Hartman on tradition that started decreasing concave shape it took for Stanton a mid-level a senior from the definition 1080p invite on Vincent,

00:10:53: Sushi's will be thin but I should be wiser does tsukuru tazaki social contact,

00:10:58: Fatima is does encouraging conservation acupuncture Chinese Army to humans for treated us gesundheit.

00:11:05: I'd start Indians in invite first unmanned Mission you need to shut up and just beat East and Asia phones our genome is I gonna get onstage and she can't,

00:11:16: to send our sincere person before going to Darden

00:11:19: Bo made to shut off and that's why it's called the school's a team around among District anybody's baby doesn t a mountain bike pedal assist here is finger up to appear on to bite us in our CSR initiative,

00:11:31: do you even for vendors we hadn't Conan one episode won't survive this Friday to identify its urine and deviance time for up strife and Conan,

00:11:39: I'll take in addition dot Indian Identity On Assignment fly on a patient.

00:11:44: Since he's so angry don't for bundeswehr finished elegantly manipulation conan-kun information third for 2004 she needs.

00:11:53: 210 get some Tide started telling you it's nice new refrigerator and Kagan vertical dots and Sandow,

00:11:59: soaking on to Connecticut often times this concrete but I did this this all species are you can Dart and sets and get sealed prognosis in either conduct occurs for Alton or the keys on table here to standard out there.

00:12:11: This is correct medium for triton dragons in kinetic license avoid the feel mail Osaka prefecture tea

00:12:19: I'll find it into an emergency crews listen last night I know said somebody blame Connecticut Arden Conan field segment into Comic-Con is most needed a can play these positooni

00:12:29: does a mooc is to inspire each piece is over let you through I need to go even before behold then a clunk 8024 stilt been does mortgages

00:12:37: I'll but I was under and dinging as women sometimes PLS keep on hating begin school night and hunt.

00:12:46: This job petitioner can't miss another convenient conman Madonna given this and orange Carrot Top of him by isn't Dusty supper soon the three secret identity.

00:12:56: Yeah and Lisa code does give us a Concord now Peyton Cannon when you mailed out and be able to enter puzzles of a few Kong Harbin last and he's a much looser 42 comfortable.

00:13:07: Does this death us here for you in this mouse must nourish the condom iteration carpeted or committees and data model and avoid the harm doesn't e59 salinity of feeling Full House.

00:13:19: Skip a beat when I said TD babies also knowing you born a complete Ganesh to analyze even also Dusky sound came home to an illusion,

00:13:27: you may be a cliche could I speak to this position into a cannon one guy said he had a lot to learn from the example for Kong and lavender,

00:13:36: that's also why she didn't seem tied to real it starts very Mukesh and technicians often duration capacity.

00:13:44: Kunta seen as Andre I was consoling professional for 1820.

00:13:50: The see a moment select interests are hot on searching for Hurricane one or the operation in 52 kilometers.

00:13:57: Giant often see click above warm salty perhaps the Earth and click add to the discussion guide system in Schism and interests them to go inaudible helped the aquarium this adult now.

00:14:09: Deep under me I don't get psyched does own the Schism that space now story on to confirm our segment on to Canada for example for Colombia,

00:14:18: male dog pound the ancient out in 32 to announce a soon as he's through this example story room on 5054 sugar on it immediately stick to business to start and run a mile,

00:14:29: Millicent but he say,

00:14:32: okay cute and also defund the ancient puzzle loose killer Startin sent through the exam story along too much room to be seen,

00:14:41: the infected tissue that is wanted to stand found in your condition in schizont next one is lon Cynthia no ambition.

00:14:49: Owned this sticky stuff that I want to shoot him - I just wish and in down T of any and slippers Woonsocket environment Conan on tizen,

00:14:58: I'll click you can do this with a friend or two yeah and personalize your throne classy depends presentation effectively adding and filmed.

00:15:06: Deacon and physic isn't interesting event.

00:15:10: If you discuss on that systems in this adopting also Vista Cumbre action 52 comes to mark on this is not a lie,

00:15:16: I'm guessing that's what I'm sure I speak to Sister Konomi schwate Bishkek above homes in Thornton in I'm sourcing massive massive I have tweaked.

00:15:26: Dark about this tomato weekly Show Business of this budget evidence Paseo De B in Canada Midfield this involves feel too.

00:15:35: D problem Arctic,

00:15:37: leaked our Innovative power to start a financial person to be talking about mckernan or the coronavirus Middleton arbeiten D kind and Pittsburgh mohabbatein explode,

00:15:47: by this only not emit very tart tart and we are by 1015 24K on get off in the other corner.

00:15:54: Speed up difficult from this apartment an hour with the fam it I never allowed is to set with this middle value within an integral,

00:16:02: difficult for me is thisby's on The Savvy stick to my hand by Asheville we have minded person wounded too much pain and repeat all just another outspark C span of a situation oopah Alpha and Adnan.

00:16:13: Decent moment on Need for companies to increase in traffic lights up on your desk isn't built when we just threw some infusion a keep twins for this episode on an exam.

00:16:24: Then isn't it behind long the best mortgage behind and get done very so I can get some to build those two salmon few on a laptop and to disappear soon be stick with vengeance feel.

00:16:35: Does it see moment nickname.

00:16:38: Actually get this done then Matisse a.dd course it up and Simon D of iron a wanted petite infiltrate interest Knudsen we should soon be a disappears own dust is a tartan,

00:16:50: engineering and I know visor lets the English cadency for Vendetta.

00:16:55: This is done Rickey Henderson to pollute our faulty are not such breaking conductivity are all alive paternity 650 sir.

00:17:02: Dalton you discuss on his face and he now sinter serum.

00:17:06: Very good doctors in ugly investment Gesundheit starting intercede and Rome wasn't Automotive.

00:17:13: That keeps count on tushy tushy actors bikini Bambam start on the style textiles HD can tune,

00:17:20: tcga let's dentition divides Premier fatigue is wanted for so come to standing on targets / Tom the organization has forced a fan belt off the motor oil spilled a message to perfume stolen the bunt,

00:17:34: Fela suspend bunt feel it to Standish guidance in bamboo and then we'll start our forefinger doesn't owners had started Yakitori Dundee something because I'm glad for Saga should be tailored State as well as the hill Frenchman sylvain and percent 90 percent in,

00:17:49: samkisha Tottenham the kids premium the optic best move is to for so long kind of Dublin to superhuman initiatives in medication safety items.

00:17:59: Then I'm your bait to the Arctic area some Polish Billy Pharma industry deist hosting proceed on that insist they are I know they all play on the slide still cclc allowed to oysters does this DC Dalton per hour,

00:18:11: see motion does pretty Fortune for the entire week long Nia that's name it.

00:18:15: Steve Hagen with at Powell County a analogy of the dark notarized in the Pharma industry is designer but the county you will get for showing signs on universität inaudible and private institution and here they skipped feel it fortunes interesting.

00:18:31: Economic nationalist via and that is one that's marked is the grossest business let's keep filmin data I was bound the iron stagnant housebound Valen be productive cough and Rollin,

00:18:43: on the audiogram concentration and isn't that nice in canto XI teacher perspective even when concerned about the bush I find it interesting product title versus in sale in the daily economic in prison

00:18:54: UND decal to saving to buy 100,000 and 200,000 then we are you buddy not some fungus on that starch page.

00:19:01: Tell him this kosaka sometimes start Ms in Sprites of Ashton,

00:19:06: when done in a state of high energy physics which off to his interest as a daughter new grand race for Alton or the pagans for Alton so be to Cronkite in in allgemein,

00:19:16: coming all concealed connotes diverting underwear bombs are consumed for halton's Australian County politics you know Kiran other leg out the liner Denmark.

00:19:26: A moment is so does it was the marked really nice guns as we haven't our control skill sets we have accomplished litigator Hamilton's PhD sinned yet spirits and craft was is John's orders the big players in India.

00:19:41: He danced and technique concerning feel it in your bones and here into shown on to believe in of the amid Bleak of the noise and technological entry cumin,

00:19:54: jet GPT is an all-in-one device visor so she doing it or banished me regular yogurt mousse Girardi basil and finding behind indecent.

00:20:04: 54 math notes and fungus on tight start and end dates I don't run them in there until she writes Gesundheit start and remake a shot.

00:20:13: It was instant a decent begriff Canal 2015.

00:20:17: Because on that starting to annoy me that's East Village HD desist I know sites English Holloman also seen doesn't know your regular human exists about technology,

00:20:28: as seen TV quasi light almond intellect Verdun in the sixth place tidy cabal covenants or Saudi reconvey on notes the sister honey and organization,

00:20:40: the hint and teal is the squeeze on the head start,

00:20:43: so better to not sign outside see to summon to find hacking which makes it out to the novice on all today - notes Baltimore,

00:20:52: don't discount a burnished One controller to be a change request and 15 Mark craft new Burleson Southern Star Destroyer,

00:21:00: then to congregate cladogram bidding on Clara vegan chlorofluorocarbon and qualitative she hide and Newton.

00:21:09: Not so fine had lesion but I just want to add start more sponsors bill was signed you send oysters ha again bus in - Beetle and blind dumb

00:21:18: East is this in an abandoned realized Niche targeted and especially happen and does sustain a cozy house for don't give your heart before your dad knew about notes and Conan also see sword so Castile fancy so I'm hitesh to co-star in the mid city of Berkeley

00:21:33: disguise your minor this is the only reason of carbon Gesundheit Vision or if this is how soldiers doesn't even get ready to go click,

00:21:40: besides a community garden can make them how it should Maha Dusty this guy here because you guy.

00:21:46: DCI night with your spa I design how to hit a fish burger is think is a reason any reason and I was found on the system itself feel.

00:21:55: Taoiseach mobile phone for boom it'll feel like we own self and want a Sleek decent gesundheitsdatenräume in Segunda as my moose is it art and performance you work with notes and can,

00:22:06: causing a 900 horsepower clipping mask made an almond fin on Salem technician often for baldness.

00:22:14: Console allgemein having gesundheitsdatenräume be so fear Allah as khandala guess I worked in Maidstone 676 acted as online marketing republik out,

00:22:25: there's one fact lie so I said I'm for Hungry soon Head Start and digital mammogram good luck.

00:22:30: Smuggled seen from the accounts diverse abundance read in and out of minor in phone booths a huh.

00:22:36: Had the thought of him borrow never I trust in institutions so we ungovernable Cornish come covid-19 Conan owner do Seven teaspoons of red in ye it was tough on me become like.

00:22:48: When did this inverted applaud from from Nets cannoli.

00:22:51: After this problem can be silenced a vital problem kinda Unturned on the select ownership position and Associate has a PD will all answer medical methods

00:23:01: the odds of each to informing on some sticking because sometimes kind of art and art and digital art collector and so on

00:23:07: this is often done by Coons Dickens with Allah from told know the odds bassoon and for optimization version colonel,

00:23:14: some indistinct oh he hurt it does not find a good need a on Harbor

00:23:18: out here hop at this on the room set some of the social scientists to me in this verse in then I can click it again you can problem and the proxies by the room said some decent digital and our control volume is the

00:23:29: all this in this encountered social media.

00:23:32: Then the emits or zindzi blend often own gain Valen key Thailand volunteer house felt in volendam sets does Hirsch turns per share.

00:23:42: On the closet action shots you take two,

00:23:45: also see Shahi night dancing behind where I hope to curved wall League ended up not fuses these interior because he shot the significance trivial,

00:23:54: Auntie suffering that's impossible my infirmity Harbour treatment out there was released and the whole technician dog institution in the locket is known for them to get even

00:24:03: this is designer tation assure me that warrant is on December regular to watch this game streak is at fastest electron shift button don't see this is just regular to wish problematic

00:24:14: just keep fast to buy time and there's so much there on time but there's a button on there,

00:24:19: concrete notes pocket was East has a PD moment this is Dan Simon from PDFs,

00:24:24: 2000's in technician machine and less power assist organizations to try to bring as a the reached a commission to fin intuition transition height top-quality 8th notes parquet,

00:24:36: tosses the guns guns should be illegal dumpers foil on this tag them deeper beispiel doesn't let your sisters man and find a linear elastic on,

00:24:46: it's on his brow does know how van from Guns feeling Institute in India and Christmas an aunt.

00:24:52: Sprout and again you're going to nice teaching Harmon misunderstood be hidden Sun the moon Dickinson Club to straighten a different voltage gating,

00:25:01: unfold woman clad to definition was it the night in the city so you bigger ordered a nun for toning function earrings and Gesundheit starting around City Hall at this rate by the snake video.

00:25:13: Ina sides Mustafa rashed is a collection of helped out loud,

00:25:18: understanding Ramen abstraction as a vacation,

00:25:29: give me any dinner whites as a v 0 sin Theta beta of the Knutson to version should be legen based on top please,

00:25:36: these things the stick should stay in indeed art and I nine games and so on but haven't you feel for a few movies khitan,

00:25:44: which part or in kind Devon told this curtain first to link the two strands of keratin the unfold woman I'll assistant,

00:25:53: they staged the steel biggest in Romans who said so.

00:25:57: Common with like of season a little patient Gesundheit starting round 2 expression threaten my let's notice that the arrow patient commission and if it were known to shuffle - total patient rooms,

00:26:09: 50s on tight start in for cash dealt with them European health data space so line soaking on Gesundheit specific shizuko system,

00:26:18: those for shift and get mine Simon standards and for foreign infrastructure an online and governance Ramen pushed it and stain,

00:26:26: will sculpt on loss to this new song titled enrollment Varun broke the seal ta she is wounded start Muhammad Ali

00:26:34: survive from tone and I saw on the sticker ut8 welcomes kleindienst alinea food and patented patented design 49,000 on the internet the Ironside be fake to me during Gesundheit starting to gain

00:26:47: and I'd start and silence is in the area of high beam Cannon also benefits the as Frontiers in quasi inch pan into mouth scared than,

00:26:58: common man is wounded starting with me a meat.

00:27:00: As I change and describe a condition that start to constant potential in patent has any better go soon that's for so long that even in Japan into so I can build this to the whole world knows assistant.

00:27:12: It's like as soon as possible confidence and then I know who are adopting literacy as a defense by design student Midtown and I are gonna get on that starting to gain the sister Premier Tech and course uh gesundheit,

00:27:25: how mims in a van our Gesundheit for so long chopped to shuffle,

00:27:30: the and recited the 62nd download some does also does the premier not so it's right the scientist is s an old song when Candice is untied Startin to,

00:27:44: vitamins vacant for Indonesian building and then potentially percent in Kabul and Centos veerabhadra same for show the county started planning,

00:27:54: so what you doing it and it is good plants does empty set up.

00:27:58: In December home cannot straighten can Infuse as a Advocate and we used to ski .sv at Poland I know are going to order and organization games translation at or they should be set up,

00:28:11: the I knelt toy handle for Bolt.

00:28:15: Achtung Adidas and notes and violin naming the I'd smile and a for songs for some scope by my estimate Gesundheit start and Fortune D km and Destroy hand organization

00:28:25: Malik your project often owned escaped ambushed mt4 garden and India fields in 2008 article notes field,

00:28:33: guns which decreased foil Candice Dupree momentum targets of the puzzle doesn't it out in our personal associate as the central cluster of the puzzle mukhlis by the second are not seongnam over patient out of the home

00:28:46: seems to be settling in my in agriculture form as a default Chicago PD's unplug stealthy become needed out in this maximum loss,

00:28:54: it's on a meme on the way - oh Aunt does anticipate inside as I understand it sign and a grocery and catechism tights for Sera congi Santa's workshop

00:29:04: and on the sides this is second download some to can't count on 2 CDs inspecting the Avec La for giving birth and I still agree on a business initiative last exists a big personality of the available,

00:29:15: does kidneys.

00:29:16: I'm just do a fan of going to get out now kinda and try to get off in the oven d49 standing for the answer - sent does it all this evening distinguished Ramen for.

00:29:27: Something the spirits on gets broken this emblem from gesundheitsdaten and was all the student to give us to it is the normal price.

00:29:35: In a our own Southern velocity and sinful and chiding and funded s denotes an Oscar Slauson sign was predicted this year's concrete and,

00:29:44: Vina Monte up grandson for vegetarians don't eat Isabella sentences for lunch item to subsume Aronson.

00:29:52: Bible often identify Lynch item k 2 Star Home does and child he felt weird and DVD and slippers own size - ah speaking tournament vo Josh please - I didn't try to be Montana physician become tiny knob at spots become,

00:30:06: so what you doing it.

00:30:08: In this kind of sign does stock is entirely sure information hinge Pilon 25 is my not bad name how do you play this position in try on and I'll show you in Concord to

00:30:18: I come from,

00:30:19: it's a spectrum you can try and be nice to naming social dinner and thus solo squish Lawson Bearden in diesem our patient gesundheitsdatenräume India Malaysia answer file into I don't even eat.

00:30:31: Mukesh sent off bar 60 seconds on high it's Startin up the skill linked to severe dish bison by let was one of nice language born of mysterious Kate that work Leash from the person to lose.

00:30:46: Gesundheitsdaten CA 0 1 and B organ man can see our Gregory - all right classy for frame and dosimeter was broken person we need to tune up.

00:30:56: Does he stand often given the technique for pushed imitating a talk to someone he doesn't manage Fortune vegetable porridge in our pretty solid.

00:31:06: Garnishment obligated button on Tumblr turn off the only Museum Professional Salon.

00:31:13: In the impact of a solution important element of Economic Development Medina classic muscle for Boonton day on the Mountain Hop common link is something that and sorts we do I insane.

00:31:24: But on a new Museum bad engine element that can Normandy reclusive to Larson of an episode 1 as a business advice formula had a disease called fiber,

00:31:34: bench this formula that can IMA then this is only for out and rice is called fever,

00:31:39: so I did bring a commonality to mine so that's that's probably a mastaba wounded yet special ancient technology.

00:31:45: Communicate Fon Fon Big Data also Moog least Buchanan dance feel a Tartan or undershoot which they are committed under for peanut noodles.

00:31:54: Golly Miss mm my lemonstylz movies just omit decent Mitten coronavirus HTML from our skin does unanimity homework leash mukerjea store so Girardi sometimes price,

00:32:06: named Enoch in addition you may to shibata when you know again you can Tottenham limited on the convenient wagon Cannon.

00:32:13: East G Mukesh code that's even a reclusive Mowgli stencil.

00:32:18: When Inspirations seeing DC for stay long in Vietnamese you're not honest Alice good Tai Chi from lighter to courts.

00:32:26: Get out of anger irritation location take long stay short to box with quantum computer rationalize to munch on but how it down on you missed is this entire nation.

00:32:35: Does moose and deer meat tank and then behold two episodes not some front art and art and spend a decent Head Start.

00:32:46: Nim and we're not multi the last entire answer Fallen child on this kind of music is octagonal subjective sign their electors Fest was impersonal and I never lost in the answer for lunch I to East while.

00:32:58: First piece I see it in the wellness Tracker app polite most astonished to see me off guard Sergeant realized is to see our film me shine a bit lost in there,

00:33:08: and some volunteering it's not so I'll spice wheel we mocked Monty set up grunting vendors for vegan that was super active versus,

00:33:15: let's get naked woman child or Windows of the past history as an atonement I don't get healthy and different than Einstein - seen don't the kids imbecility possibility keen on table a screening at the home of ancient art and position the son of my sister effect,

00:33:28: it does seem too much banana leaves physician clinics and of the heart realized informal tone obviously do offender in child on mitochondria leaked via.

00:33:37: This committee froggy someone vinegar Belcher Tartan team took on the league.

00:33:44: The still he began swimming for you the most money right now.

00:33:47: Stuff you need are stool and my child convened the effect on the list of the memorial for housing current visitors 59 silent through the iron Senate and House weekend with the first man was in the project your own mark on,

00:33:59: from the existence from farm and start insulting Suber the Murchison implication and foodie and some the person understands me,

00:34:07: Victory station location directly search View.

00:34:11: On the copter sister's wish to get as many besieged the city skyline is the soonest assist vegetation lucky assist bah made Tottenham gay as well as equal to each method and Flickr.

00:34:23: And it doesn't cool to be on tournament meet start again just fun totals people signed up.

00:34:31: The a hottest the video quality on in cool to Vandal ingang section was the Hong Kong's competence 49 slippers Onan.

00:34:40: Gesundheit Startin on belong to the next DC competence stackin stage World digital self special even and Dalton super Veneto.

00:34:50: Most concrete fish don't be so discouraged act with Victor's of filmmakers ansan hospital from the persona muta.

00:35:01: Digital self statement that ensure an entire doesn't,

00:35:05: she'll on the PK 50 moment intensive discutir 12 million of them were systematizing reforestation understand digital subspecialty Moon

00:35:14: he's yet Stars openly generational in a little meat brick of gold rush days and my chili station mention in the Middle Point to Stalin greatest album does this help specially among the harbor you bore minor persona,

00:35:27: I'll manage the information to my own person and first invention to stand disagreement between digital or analog and h.w. Bush team,

00:35:36: wind again be taking notes fairness and darkness super annotate this ancient battery today mouth are same and in the largest.

00:35:46: Do you say stick it all ourselves especially among our house to also does have ice basement isn't that a silken does here in the log is just to handle as around the station is your first entrance out of this first entry is helpful to see good things.

00:36:01: I was in this downward up blocked on them LM better than this and I will hunt for our second Lieutenant Colonel and doesn't try and con Village to Village just nicked anticipate faking,

00:36:12: van mention standing rules out of garbage.

00:36:16: Spend it on Sister Sister honey and it off guard I didn't start Swift as the style there that I will spill don't just mustn't be on some Kingdom mitigate.

00:36:26: Dismissing the Albert often build slide mid-game first piece I think is on tight space in the small side that or outside the building Google.

00:36:34: The Midfield in Ancient India ancient Vegas buffet you can induce a digital is not involved in this article is entitled belt 6 of Iran to being.

00:36:46: How can this wait so long gesundheitsdatenräume of cabal didn't summon the stylized August 2015 a DRS.

00:36:53: Make it seal it for 20 min to shop from this is gesundheitsdaten if a physician writes this does the cell battery in there.

00:37:01: Dividing Gesundheit start environmental Sciences.

00:37:04: From to back here seal door closes Bell dings over page it out now - sides of the Premier for Dimension designs all on secondary

00:37:12: my dream would soon emerge least didn't tag is on that start mahamandaleshwar it's OVA yet stuffed in popular get plant East Premier 44 show.

00:37:21: UND was nisht Ferguson is teasing not song to each dimension,

00:37:27: does he stand guns goes on the sheet that is one that start my own Dash B is Premier and Fortune Startin home.

00:37:34: Endless we in the reward so difficult to manage specific sugar Venom from the Sun had started behind them front position and some positive never-ending task to minister in concerts.

00:37:45: Mystical - options file the assistant guns concrete when he hits burgling been in a warm versus industry-wide,

00:37:54: Vehicle Safety Zone the shithouse constructing this gesundheitsdatenräume I've made concrete Outsourcing TV Christy help don't shoot the guns.

00:38:03: Otherwise we end up hides Niche the common burden of gold this,

00:38:07: because when I'd started almost will be yet to plant there's the company month and eagerness significant dead stop and come to order and dashboard where sign it up and sitting down and writing canvas am involved.

00:38:20: Do you say off the puzzle on and off the ice lingam Muenster not some fun today and it's nice to progress in those rights versus the epidural.

00:38:30: So I'm gonna skate to mind an issue for her crown see the notes on fungus and Head Start and to for some straight into politician does to plan operations fake and so I sitting,

00:38:42: I'll put the insulin does the I insulin they faked weapons all antique assumed I'd start now Cassie in the hunt Alton Solan.

00:38:50: The system introduced by it's nice down here.

00:38:54: Does Gates were the preeminent some we act as anode someone or the vet near Outreach to get one to shoot at Wingate often respond and is does your does electrons button CC V developed weapons oil just practiced,

00:39:06: so now on the hand Cannon burden on Jesus electrons a tendency very classy of your deployment Zone,

00:39:13: 59 stand for signing his own thoughts for so long VDC Biden poetic is Undead starting house right female 4 fortunes to occur,

00:39:21: electrons button dossier,

00:39:23: female MD Premier photography with an insulin be deem it an honor for competency issue moment next on This Global artists are kind of distribution,

00:39:33: voices be delicious.

00:39:35: Is this is entombed in the so dusty second and not so much in a woman versus in G Dash rides and Lisa and viewed as Crystal.

00:39:45: The gaussian to shoot is in the voices as Waters newer aggregate,

00:39:50: I thought no the 1000 in each of the persons who will be between burden Kernan for the second download 2015 16 as a niche personality of the gesundheitsdaten I'm sure why it's mr. Saunders,

00:40:02: defection up for Monty Python and batuque is De and Vistas element hmda data nodes and so can you.

00:40:10: The smart we could be sitting in the toilet coulson's in there Monday Darden to sound Fusion Cannon.

00:40:16: East no-tillage from Bleak designs and ask is the internal booms oh hi clams or her on phone woman unable the owl Screech dial tone the governance detached major decisions infrastructure will discuss on that stock moms.

00:40:31: Gets my pick of this way it's very hot here T competence into regular phone gesundheitsdaten keep this Hunter sheet in here and for throwing an anti-venom Soldier Tartan food prefer dr. stockley here doctor.

00:40:45: Do you like William Ferguson that start an industry-wide statistic for selfishness we have them feel,

00:40:51: in in division in the Noggin i - Rafi to feel a regular long division that start dancing body builders potential guy - or the Arts guy missing stuff because that's bull we have an incontinent Gesundheit skill sets and toleration,

00:41:06: pretty Gloomy Sunday I'd start and about this cancer such as a physician was crushed you can somebody be does bonus cassettes Uber you need to show Dad and Ally's voice he said so hard let's Dentistry Gloom into his own Head Start and Rin.

00:41:20: The ceiling come to nollie up to rescind bundestag to ride on King Jesus quotes on queer you been under Marcus.

00:41:28: The outside figure should be like gesundheitsdaten to nuts and I stuck a Beach Island critical crushed these are also she didn't get to have no butter and wisdom.

00:41:38: Sighs shoots too much builders for crowns failed institutionalist important shoots the Canadian Dalton percebes wiser see charged a long phone from fungi - and also vital,

00:41:51: UND SV W the course I have always fought on Zayn lemons oranges on that start no shovin Dill.

00:41:58: Owns so I need bright on collect notes on sister Stalin Majesty.

00:42:03: VD sapirstein cassettes in unclog a partying me teasing me teasing said committees as an option this is a transverse,

00:42:13: as you wish the juiciest made circles now sold on 4.9.

00:42:17: I feel like that in the critics of rock if you get this right super hoped you could detect Mishra infrastructure savvides know-how and insulation gesundheitsdatenräume off see here advisor to Man action,

00:42:28: yeah when it's wonderful yeah via Harden.

00:42:33: Inspiration the kupfer quelle resort to one and our infrastructure we have Marinas right scale tattoo.

00:42:41: Vicki Shannon patient infrastructure Autobahn.

00:42:44: We haven't met him Swiss personalized health network does SPI Jen harmed by enormous opportunity side you're on sister finds it just fine in session.

00:42:57: Andand hour.

00:42:59: Civil regulatory should be our technician Wang we are an inferno I'm gonna make a song that starts in C if you want basement is a good sign moose so I need infrastructure.

00:43:12: Cost it feel guilty doesn't mirror any outs Divya toboggan muhsin,

00:43:17: just an aside T regulatory hurdles for don't be mad computer screen legislation has passed on the undersides the Affinity Otis.

00:43:28: Each table from technician here on funding.

00:43:31: Mukesh curtain here ominous rights and who tells comes logger is parked in villain as part of the scale.

00:43:39: On to sprout the county coordinator.

00:43:42: Through the his skin in a sudden taking part of it and so would come to my masters in the center seat The Bundys route and then T of V are house for don't.

00:43:51: This is an amount of Narcan in shreds ocean gesundheitsdatenräume still on schedule I'm really gonna fuck me up from this variable inefficient sontaran ship.

00:44:02: Cinto sorry remaining Gnostic Westinghouse photo and convey a different house going does this couple on their arm and work so we just a moment for kissing is,

00:44:12: do super have my stun gun a syncytial Fielding Odysseus your central saint.

00:44:20: V between real Dimension iron doses formation constant R Le frog Adelaide a moment of fields of Enoch parasitic on finding.

00:44:30: Begin you'll see iron for India classy Ina Garten spendi spending horse non-film station starting spending flesh tone for Ian.

00:44:39: Between reassign my Honda Civic is starting to rain.

00:44:44: He's a fuckin up things about real blonde that's East Inez sinful is a category that is real data 22nm,

00:44:52: mention for hunting soon we'll be fucking up from Conan just put out this fire is not some distant part and then the others for corruption keep tuned stars and an AMA nine black fill information into an iron slippers on,

00:45:06: does this for Boonton mid Hunan for long and secret and the attractive on Toto.

00:45:13: Top and shorts this is just an Impulse Iran's portfolio of carbon and sister Heidi top division for for manipulation about solution to shoot.

00:45:27: Doesn't count School self-cam the Killer's to admission on the in space on the even mine per serving dishes in classical to they're forged iron really cool,

00:45:35: be bitten by a dimension with iron have the and paternalistic is built in there Miyazaki even you must eat out and gave me about organic farm.

00:45:44: Order on this very minor minor now him seen anyone so far so I can disable Spectrum via our Mukesh nasty 19 see and to be seen.

00:45:55: Monster monster scaling.

00:45:58: If you'd have dessert by nine aspect again it was Teva I'm going to mind having the event he said Dart and literacy also disappear fagin and some the persona,

00:46:08: best of Middleton I'm going to Colonel if indeed the sister who do so and what he said quote on I buy into it after next and click of a must be dot does for me concrete,

00:46:19: V Buffet me when it's this all this time talking come to be the fake make concrete the start,

00:46:24: with Dalton basic once again gets somebody will make us favorite recipe every person I put on our persistent man and no no it's scary can cause some water we with these a perfect best medium dark.

00:46:38: Does this tiny message which is an absolute courses Walt and then manghmd hotdog annotated file command child is to Senegal self garbage,

00:46:48: speaking gibberish meet their mid-20s building individual Justice VI and title this layer plans build.

00:46:55: Umm gang made an egg and dart and be do it on the icon in town.

00:46:59: Importat evening - no seems ineffective assistance good okay shower and cool tool to Russia from the start and Thailand money dad gave novelty shop Worcester Master made for Boonton estas.

00:47:12: Biggest from Cline of classy wounds mid-game beard which they notice jetzt and I know Seto to involve you mention happened the,

00:47:21: Chanel percent on Muhammad saw something in the saying they are done via sister of model liberal candidate and Troy handle 50 and episode,

00:47:31: The Golden Child felt on Tandy insulin child,

00:47:35: decent Coy hand over gave them come back piece of myself and the golden tried and failed Gabe is monitored and few new of yoga my notification

00:47:45: Gibby's many dad know about few of you

00:47:47: if you're fortunate few too much Bill without don't own a mountain of the fish and the chopped kitchen Christian album as a dozen tiny content child I felt owned the insolent child and cross it out and toy handle boober keep so I should think.

00:48:01: Miss in Antarctica dr. Ogden is proud I know sites I was building as a week which is good in this rpt classy as part of any feel brighter Alka-Seltzer after the discussion comedian silent assault rifle

00:48:16: must be a game or two but I'll is Mukesh a companion well missed out of his own head start.

00:48:21: In this cohort in the house building the kingdom the awesome title building from the roof slope and determined to do no harm.

00:48:29: UND vamoose non-small delectable vegan we mentioned were guns gone legging and try to craft in Taunton.

00:48:36: If I'm told to an Interstellar you become stressful point.

00:48:42: Store system design that glad to sign do it individual person keeping stop it at that time the darkness has to die and I'm good the system V XL shop.

00:48:53: Mm of even when TC material into its least and Strassman off vertically solidary Ted and Veteran.

00:49:02: The luggage typical alcohol from the words that dorsally Darvish helped offered her own in in all honesty does regular American to Dan Watson was his concrete to make a mind on volume via teaser of pail on this.

00:49:17: Corrosion phenomena is Roma super happy not trending.

00:49:23: Management art and Gabe are to give yourself away from your price Gesundheit Startin last in Kosovo exclusive me to this program,

00:49:33: and for Crown Cornish banished musician Candlestick in Uber this is for corner of 14th and Shop management moment this is mumtaz of debated violent account login moment of next question.

00:49:47: Damn it does for the crown of Vickie's killer is that we often can be harmed is irregularly only 300 technical infrastructure not nice.

00:49:55: Ima Be de jambe mg/ml dogen voluble Gesundheit start and Aiden leakin.

00:50:02: UND does must inform 14.10 given as 2 are smooth since the 60s for crown for dinin in the MC Ramen betting on shuffle,

00:50:12: would I ain't never even done working for Crown Khan.

00:50:16: Because you later for speculation within bunkin the game Downs of scale it on fourth round ow.

00:50:23: Noticed by Alice of Sisterhood give the orders came from Conan service field and get sometimes reason.

00:50:33: Someday I'll be my Vita they perished I know I know Sparks is correct don't and register was vexed found out and shoots and.

00:50:43: Darcy a shout and start a kitchen and of course and for on Total Drama and Billingham to shop for another size definitional additional sets about us so no more infrastructure and the value to the organization equal to and tickling,

00:50:57: team in 2004 and 2006 following get on task mysterious sign on the earth 22nd log Hub Carnage and solidarity with our own opinion.

00:51:08: Stink at this Max into monetary fit real nice tiny Soviet small heavy traffic bog resources Justice for throne and luggable done with this shrieks and the Speed Ahead touchdown and and his sister.

00:51:21: By then the old nuba hoped in the motherhouse and don't seem to you that was DVD,

00:51:26: to a halt in the system that to keep this up to I don't assume human DC50 Como died in a house fire from the front person in the BBC four drown in this entire season on VM City Garden game warden,

00:51:39: what is this is not a shoot on Tuesday in the stores for Town eventually ended this ghost of a trombonist in English no hats in and out Stitch detail.

00:51:47: Certain Central stock in the book club.

00:51:51: Come / L asked me for my industry didn't build movements Alchemist route also these are also human PhD and on

00:51:59: decent of now and all times until stage lights on the side and for him dammit all the money to like 31 gain on performin thing every am automatically updated and vital I tuned out and finished cutting spending.

00:52:14: I infused most angle by the tree of knowledge Global does is not invited week and.

00:52:21: Is proud feel element on each new apollyon and in 59 cernan a moment nice fastball notes.

00:52:30: Wound on an easily David Tate.

00:52:33: Borniche comes Clara is treated and released upon poverty authority over this game must Vanquish him to get along then let's end click is the Solace for the mentioned.

00:52:46: He captained this optic must feel mayor and kaname.

00:52:51: See have a rights advances Gesundheit starting to shine a field so I'll phone the last season or meet with this isn't really here excavators in t.i. neurology Lon,

00:53:01: Ein social are loss is does their skates are since September 2010 sunseekers indecent your total rabbit ear to ear,

00:53:11: let's call upon lost to division and Val Jacinto Pattinson and Truman.

00:53:17: Let's get you on the spoon to start and shoots cassettes dear ABC own gate premium to look authentic human and Amanda are you.

00:53:24: Garcia da na teen Volunteers in our I'm on Mia Hamm real Cannon Swiss finish.

00:53:32: The evasion up from the Dardanelles corn for them they will give you something in my decision on the was is the flattest really.

00:53:39: Do you know these your own bombarded energy technology hostage and known for Android side T Dot and shorts cassettes cable and we clicked water,

00:53:47: poet is just realized by training at our start their development depends on and on,

00:53:53: band flew something didn't need to accomplish act or SAT test location noise curtain for ending Stein punked on the MDA.

00:54:03: Thoughts and either T Gesundheit volunteer in the category that best understood since we're in person and Dalton VCT concrete house Coastal communities should spur has also sent and presentations especially among and Not Mere,

00:54:18: I want to be like Tommy to someone hanging out the froggy.

00:54:21: The start of the year in their house you punks and shoots and give are like stones flicked 50 Grand race designer / green and Parker,

00:54:29: D integrated digital system even to shop from this Ranch present and Robin building woman took away their license also from version shoots pricing expression we don't want version directly in Robin wedding woman.

00:54:45: Because when I started seeing these exact a on the Chutes and 7th episode on down an assistant unfortunate.

00:54:50: Normal episode in darkness and mitigate antifa we are finding decent decent begriff in Dutch Schultz cassettes.

00:54:58: Oompa Loompas on the streets into a wounded animal a video stand out and shoots gets in gets noisy out the geometry is no technique stationed at an expected event,

00:55:07: these are shots price is to be linked up to Kansas.

00:55:11: Them guns to begin the re British person Visalus on the kitchen that start and felt on education but I did still shoots perish.

00:55:19: You can't clean up Greenspan.

00:55:23: By decent base on the shirts and Felton Persona in Tottenham became who I am for the woman Minister von Goethe notes and to do this board I'm Billy Gunn.

00:55:33: It's on the Chutes and throughout the Persona and Dad and finding the about handguns and then gets to be dimmed out and shoots gets to my schpeel in Des Moines middle of a liquid becomes an epidemic of sets of these are bars is the steam start by to be so I say aloud I know.

00:55:47: Gosh be TV show,

00:55:49: Gesundheit start into a haven over to my schpeel batok by conquered and seen dancing on the outside of a place that million consumers want our own it just rip it off in episode 9 be like those compounds often context of an.

00:56:03: The MIT press on the streets in Sweden per second at an even longer than most on Toph on the end of team had aimed their star.

00:56:12: House container shoots prison he'll keep Fleet,

00:56:17: to agree on a certain date in Thailand came off the beam then they get stained no Madam took names and gesundheitsdatenräume damn Gators bite you but yet.

00:56:27: 15 he says he knows Indians because you believe Miss India becomes concrete must be on so I 9 mg working for Stan be life doesn't.

00:56:36: Magic frog 22.96 team the organization by take even although gave a shine Millennia and welcome to understand real estate market.

00:56:47: Deceased finished really gay men being regularly room for a on the streets and 1:13 and art and fashion.

00:56:53: Vegan / oval so obvious yet Stauskas latest is this niche market economy.

00:56:59: BLT and be leaking so fast she's walking all concerned.

00:57:04: Blanco foremost we are broken into Comfort neue 10 ticket Allen belt and garish 2009 Williams instrument so here is.

00:57:15: Nice new rechtswissenschaftliche.

00:57:17: Son of a ventilation shaft and technology so technology give locked and Billikens lose I'm going to and click on.

00:57:27: Decent home failed English town so obvious High Taste is this often same location war and a farce.

00:57:35: Those syndactyly by Speedy it's called in certain experts and Crimean Bush born with it and so he annoy article and they've been adequate or angrily guns for me.

00:57:46: Skip Ashby's - it does model this Dynamic content as it does my mom does it sets in spit on them context they are there for sure.

00:57:54: The cytosol monkey died in my view at man confronted me to undermine buildings formula and a Titan 79 billion does that include student often feel for science project into.

00:58:05: That's it I was a captain canine flows voice ended up and down gain for Belcher for constructive interference.

00:58:13: Madam do not mention consent Soul debit often a debate often a communicator beam of Eda and Mala and close to naming to end child and our village to village news.

00:58:23: Let's keep those social project a vacation class City fashion style name and envy and dashboard home.

00:58:29: The kanji on the Blackboard and he shall be nice for Strings project views too damn it my understanding that and came as an idea log this new online bunch of classes on the mind and dialogue.

00:58:40: Montpetit the living room consummate on the state were unfortunate tillage of antibes it often,

00:58:48: Community involvement and emergency staff and precision of the century Dean all the are now doctors Stitch what that and Troy handle.

00:58:56: Darcy sinus daily keep T division casualty list DW W mm mm interest deduction gave up.

00:59:06: Stevie award at the yellow gold even sighs I think his forehead and his us darkish Bender in a healthy tan angry out information,

00:59:15: you didn't force him said Cape Elizabeth Muller the nursing students who can shake the other poverty requires in the abstract from this.

00:59:23: Let's play maybe even fortunes it's Vegas and so it does it go bad for secondly you can dismiss these people Stein more submit a second download some data management data and 4m s an advocate for Ben Lawson,

00:59:36: I'll be nice to meeting Dan and Dirac notation this most of any signs and gesellschaft perfect yet it took 150 cannot see own and profiteering.

00:59:44: Is Steven Desmond Girardi metal on metal platform and shaft will increase in Utah.

00:59:51: Pretending pretending to be retarded and expanded to more complicated and more focused advice for students came out work.

01:00:00: This is the moment not thinking.

01:00:03: First breaking on this we have not seen the fuckin head action you better 80 commission as guitarist for the country discussion Stone dead now this is constructed sister Patty and in infiltrator in and Gib.

01:00:17: Forget it - sides in this inconstant Constructor owned only Shuffle - gesundheitsdaten around keep this out for far and strictly instrument and nape stand torian the internet Etc,

01:00:29: DC Houston Sultan or the content versus it's not existed,

01:00:34: thus even output sienten percent in an optimal fat reducing salt and some magical here percent in infiltrator,

01:00:42: in this composition and sits and we've added this on This Woman's status for fun sake the ocean does he had about 70 percent in May and Central.

01:00:52: The sustained account for our game Gesundheit season so not a model the potential at the midpoint of Ottoman big and gold problem is does percent in a tent next organization sent via happen,

01:01:05: of the under anxiety for been defunct Houston for Nelson future teleport infantry battalion all those movies you.

01:01:13: Closet Dickinson license I bring your sins organization.

01:01:18: Keep a lid on this into organization held up at the ghost the co-parenting is under 20% in patents in this new sheet and a skip in an unrelated flesh down the banister on get your interests 9 to bring in.

01:01:30: We have important Norms of tuna.

01:01:33: Haven't seen my sincerity fish of an extreme to conquered all the deeper tent Norms eternity seizures allgemein it performance of 2014

01:01:42: I'm done even Darkness disappears right ahead of annotating once it's finished development stock and we're talking about alleged endless field diesel shafted a male potential important notice our family physician.

01:01:55: Collette stenger shower room consumed decent cash we are interpreting this is an ongoing problem that we can get sometimes face in half,

01:02:03: this often enjoyed their stock organization of the crisis it doesn't and indeed is I college gate decent years were organization Dental patient really going to be seen.

01:02:12: Mandy Patinkin for Freedom Cindy soft miles exactly Ninja Professional and potential in the pattern the.

01:02:19: I'll send out what Consortium stammen the operation went guns kind tile for it and wished him to come kite company burnished footing.

01:02:27: Sophie honest in deep to the deep dish needs burger and indentations potential project.

01:02:32: That's just an account course a hell that was found along the beginning of your Niche nor midday took off his own Head Start in the home,

01:02:39: some digging and he's a frog a general Inc is a vision we must ask is one Dad's face and I was crystal design Boomstick the cash I mentioned too.

01:02:49: To orienteering does this tiny count for gay people will be discussing their TVs and bad config and Rollin.

01:02:56: UND does estate was valued 10 mobile stand with various ways of communication.

01:03:02: On the ah Isabel and a solution with Mukesh away even there is less 10th percent in and pretend we're here for our last patient off does this country.

01:03:13: For professor in special we don't even count heads leave your website I don't do some cash Bond version vague dish right Sundays,

01:03:20: do Nami Schnitz Potala into confidential again with feeling down finger thank you shant whiskers place.

01:03:28: Music.

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